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(Taxable Value : ₹2533.90 + GST(18%) : ₹456.10)
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    Heart is an organ that serves as a pump to circulate the blood in our body. It is important for all of us to keep it healthy and strong. People who have routines like a poor diet, lack of ex...




  • It is helpful in preventing cardiovascular disorders like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, plaque deposition and chest discomfort. It improves exercise endurance by keeping arteries stronger & is also helpful in promoting ideal blood flow.
  • It is potent in strengthening the cardiac muscles, improves the circulation of coronary artery blood flow and improves the symptoms of shortness of breath and tiredness by increasing the oxygen level throughout the body.
  • This formulation contains sea buckthorn, omega-3 fatty acids and gamma oryzanol that is helpful in preventing the formation of blood clots by reducing the plaque deposition (hardening of blood vessels).
  • Resveratrol combined with red grape skin extract and astaxanthin, these potent antioxidants are known for their anti-aging properties while supporting cardiovascular health and immune function.
  • It supports and maintains normal blood pressure, provides relaxation, mood support, and a feeling of calmness.


OK Lifecare's Heart Fuel is an advance "Herbofoodceutical" formulation which contain the benefits of the herbal extracts alongwith dietary supplements that works together for optimum heart health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Fatty acids help healthy people stay that way and help people who already have heart disease. They might help keep plaque from building up in your arteries. It helps to keep your blood pressure down and your heart beating normally.

Arjun bark extract: Arjuna is an amazing heart tonic and cardio protective herb. It is potent in strengthening the cardiac muscles, improving the circulation of coronary artery blood flow and prevents the heart muscle from ischemic damage.



Heart is an organ that serves as a pump to circulate the blood in our body. It is important for all of us to keep it healthy and strong. People who have routines like a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and infection have greater risk of getting cardiovascular disorders. Keep your heart healthier & active with our advance formulation Heart Fuel. Heart Fuel, unique cardio tonic that it is a combination of herbs like Arjuna extract, gamma oryzanol, omega-3 fatty acids, sea buckthorn and essential nutrients like L- carnitine, magnesium, potassium that deliver optimum support for normal heart muscles and coronary artery function. It supports efficient heart muscle metabolism by helping improve its oxygen and energy utilization. It plays an essential role in maintaining heart health and strengthening the heart muscles. It helps to support normal heart functioning and helps to optimize the cardiac muscles functioning.