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Tejender Singh Dalal (Retd)

Col. Tejender Singh is an accomplished & well-cultivated logistician with 32 years of experience in supply chain management in one of the elite organizations of India. After retirement, he chose to handle the logistics management which is the heart of the company's operations. He has excellent interpersonal & negotiation skills with an analytical mind. Known for his dynamic leadership style, Col. Tejender is committed to fostering a culture of empowerment and collaboration, where each direct seller is not just a part of the team but an essential contributor to the company's success. He recognizes the importance of a supportive community and is committed to creating an environment where every direct seller feels valued, empowered, and equipped to achieve their goals.

With a strong commitment to empowering individuals and driving entrepreneurial success, he plays a pivotal role in steering our company toward new heights. Under his leadership acumen, diverse knowledge, passion, managerial skills, and vivid experience, OK Lifecare will surely touch new horizons in the field of direct selling.