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n the past couple of years, the burden of lifestyle and metabolic disorders has increased globally, especially in countries like India.
                According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, the es mated propor on of all deaths due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
              Ihas increased from 37.09% in 1990 to 61.8% in 2016. Therefore, the health & wellness product industry has become one of the most
              emerging industries in India in the last decade. Health & medical science industry is becoming more specialized day by day but on the other
              hand, the health & wellness product market in India is very general and non-specialized. We need to develop more specialized and
              customized products according to the demand drives of customers. Our Research and Development team analyzed the data of several
              reputed Indian & Interna onal health science organiza ons for product development. Our Research and Development team has come up
              with specialized products that are customized according to the burdens of a lifestyle disorder.

              India might be in the third world countries on socio-economic development parameters but in terms of our lifestyle and health parameters,
              we have the same morbidity profile of a first-world na on. Lifestyle disorders like cardiovascular, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, obesity,
              arteriosclerosis, stroke, respiratory as well as cancers are on the rise. The World Health Organiza on (WHO) iden fies alcohol, tobacco, poor
              diet intake, pes cides, air pollutant foods that are high in salt, sugar, fat and low in nutri on value as well as lack of physical ac vity as major
              risk factors for NCDs (non-communicable diseases).

              Today, human beings are suffering from hidden hunger that is the deficiency of essen al micronutrients. We can fulfill our hunger by simple
              intake of food but hidden hunger doesn’t feel like rou ne food hunger. It is only diagnosed with the onset of any lifestyle disorder. Therefore,
              our aims are the a ainment of the highest possible level of good health and well-being for every age group, through preven ve and promising
              health and wellness products.

              Recently, our R&D team has developed a unique concept of products i.e. Herbofoodceu cal. It is a unique formula on consis ng of a mixture
              of powerful herbal extracts with essen al nutrients to fight against specific lifestyle disorders like Brain fuel for brain wellness, Beauty Fuel for
              skin wellness, etc. This range is formulated according to customer’s specialized requirements for today’s health world.
                                                                                                                                                    FROM R&D DESK
              In India, maximum health & wellness supplements are very general and non-specialized but our company developed a premium range of
              products that is Herbofoodceu cal which enables us to manage our specialized health issues with specialized products. When products are
              of a general category in the direct selling industry; as a distributor, it is very difficult to understand and distribute and as a consumer, it is very
              difficult to decide which one is be er to fulfill their specific requirements. Therefore, our company has always been known for its unique and
              quality researched products of the modern health & wellness world.

                                                                                                  Dr. VIKRANT NARWAL
                                                                                                        R&D Department

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