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(Taxable Value : ₹63.56 + GST(18%) : ₹11.44)
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    A cough is a sudden and often repetitively occurring process which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microorganisms. 


General Wellness


  • It is useful in both types of cough such as wet and dry and helps in clearing mucus from airways, bronchi, lungs and trachea.
  • It also helps to relax bronchial spasm.
  • It is helpful in management of other respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthmatic cough.
  • It is an effective expectorant and useful in relieving cough and sore throat.
  • It alleviates cough, relives blocked phlegm and controls bleeding in the sputum.
  • It reduces mucosal irritation in respiratory tract in nonproductive cough.

Herbal Ingredients: Extracts of 13 traditional herbs like Mulethi, Saunf, Tulsi, Munaka, Kakdasinghi etc this syrup can loosen mucus and improve your respiratory health. With a non-drowsy formula, you can carry out your daily activities easily after having this syrup.

Tulsi: The constituents in Tulsi help in alleviating airway inflammation caused due to allergies or infections.Tulasi modulates healthy immune response and supports early recovery from respiratory illness.

Ideal for use under following conditions:
Seasonal cold
Recurrent respiratory infections
Chronic obstructive lung diseases, asthma and bronchitis (as a supportive therapy)
Mulethi: Mulethi is considered to be a one-shot remedy for all sorts of respiratory troubles. Having powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, and anti-asthmatic properties, licorice plays a pivotal role in treating the common cold, cough and flu symptoms.

A cough is a sudden and often repetitively occurring process which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microorganisms. Our Cough Fighter is a non-sedative and alcohol-free syrup that consists of a balanced blend of carefully selected wonder herbs. This syrup is made using traditional herbs like tulsi, mulethi, munnaka that have always been grandma's favourite for their numerous benefits. It improves breathing and is also helpful in relieving both types of dry and wet cough and chest congestion. It eases cough and congestion by thinning mucus in the airways. This makes a cough more productive and brings up phlegm.